terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012


Leitura de Produções Artísticas
Dr. Viviane Carvalho da Annunciação –
http://professorviviane.blogspot.com/ viviane.sampa.2011@gmail.com
·         21st. Introduction – Plagiarism/ Programme/ Evaluation/ Participation
·         28th. Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of the Mechanical Reproduction Coli, Jorge. O Que é arte. (http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm).
·         5th. What is “artistic aura”? Historical overview of art. Eliot, T. S. Tradition and Individual Talent. (http://www.bartleby.com/200/sw4.html)
·         12th. Reading a work of Art I: Pater, Walter. On the Mona Lisa. (http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/fa257/pater_mona.html) - Appreciation of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
·         19th. Reading a work of Art in comparison II: Francisco Goya. Shooting at Montana del Principe Pio. (1814; Mardid, Prado). Heaney, Seamus. “Summer 1969”. Carson, Ciaran. “The Third of May, 1814”. Annunciação, Viviane. “The Transfiguration of History: Knowledge, Time and Space in Northern Irish Poetry”. (http://www.irlandeses.org/0907carvalho.htm)
·         (26th.) – CHRISTMAS BREAK
·         (2nd). – NEW YEAR’S EVE BREAK
·         9th. Reading a work of art in comparison III: Shakespeare, William. Othello. Sinfield, Alan. “Othello and the politics of Plausibility”.
·         16th. Continuation of Othello in relation to: Assis, Machado. Dom Casmurro.
·         26th. Othello in relation to Verdi. Othello (Opera).

·         6th. Activity to be written in class about the works of art.
·         Art and Autonomy. Bürguer, Peter. “O Problema da Autonomia da Arte na Sociedade Burguesa”. In Teoria da Vanguarda. Lisboa: Vega, 1983.
·         13th. HOLIDAY – CARNAVAL
·         20th. Art and Autonomy. Bürguer, Peter. “O Problema da Autonomia da Arte na Sociedade Burguesa”. In Teoria da Vanguarda. Lisboa: Vega, 1983.
·         27th. Avant Garde – Modernism. Bürguer, Peter. “A Obra de Arte Vanguardista”. In Teoria da Vanguarda. Lisboa: Vega, 1983.


·         6th.  Reading works of Art IV: Cubism and Imagism; painting and selections of poetry;

·         13th.  Reading works of Art: Surrealism. Benjamin, Walter Surrealism. The Last Snapshot of the European Intelligentsia. (http://www.generation-online.org/c/fcsurrealism.htm). Selections of Salvador Dali, Magritte, etc.

·         20th. Reading a work of art in comparison V: Avant Garde Theatre, Novel and Music: Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot, Joyce, James. Ulysses, Berg, Allan. Wozzeck. Adorno, Theodor. Commitment
·         27th. Final test IN CLASS.
·         3rd. Make up test
·         10th. Final Results

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