terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012


History of English – Questions
Chapter 1.
1.      Which were the tribes that invaded the British Isle? What they were called? Which language did they speak?
2.      What tribe invaded Great Britain in 797?
3.      What was the influence of French in 1400?
4.      What was invented in 1470? What was the impact of this invention to the English language?
5.      What has been the obsession of English language researchers since 1660?
6.      How is the English Language divided? Why?
7.      How does language contact work?
8.      What is the relationship between language and power?
9.      In the past, how did language vary in relation to fashion? How does it follow fashion nowadays?
10.  How has technology affected language change?
11.  According to the text, do languages develop? Justify your answer.
12.  What is the point the author make when quoting Babel myth?
13.  When was the “Golden Age” of English? What were its premises?
14.  How does language evolution work? Who are the authors that developed this concept?
15.  Which are the myths that surround English language?
16.  What is the relationship between language and race? Explain it using the author’s perspective.
17.  What are language families?
18.  Is there such a thing as Pure Saxon? Justify your answer.
19.  What are the different kinds of registers of English? Give examples.
20.  How is tolerance related to language?
21.  What are the benefits of language standardization?
Chapter 2.
1.      How Europe was linguistically divided in the beginning of the Christian era?
2.      Which were the language groups that dominated in Europe at the same period?
3.      Were the groups you mentioned in the previous answer “pure”? If not, why?
4.      How was the relationship between those groups?
5.      Which were the early languages spoken in Great Britain?
6.      When did the Romans invade England? Who was their leader? Did people start to speak English then? Does Latin influence in English come from this period?
7.      Who invaded Great Britain in the fifth century?
8.      Which were some of the Early English dialects? Where were they spoken? Do any of the traces from this period survive nowadays?
9.      What was the early alphabet in Germanic tribes? Where were they used?
10.  How are these characters related to modern English? Give examples.
11.  What was the result of the Anglo Saxon invasion in Eastern England?
12.  What was the native population called? What did it mean?
13.  How was the adoption of English by the native population?
14.  What was the relationship between English and Welsh?
15.  What is the point the author make at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 3.
1.      What happened from the end of the eighth century to the eleventh?
2.      Where did the invaders settled? How they were originally called? What was their romantic epithet?
3.      Were English and Norse different? Give a few examples.
4.      What happened in 787? And 793?
5.      Where did the early riders come from? How were they also referred to?
6.      What events happened in the years:
-          870:
-          886:
-          950:
-          1042:
-          1066:
7.      Is it appropriate to contrast English and Norse as clearly defined separate languages of the period? Justify your answer.
8.      By the 10th. century what dialect was dominant?
9.      What was West Saxon used for? And Anglo Saxon?
10.  How did Norse survive in Different parts of England?
11.  How did Norse influence English? Give examples in vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and dialects.

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