sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

Suspensão de aulas devido à "Calourosa"

Caros Alunos

No dia de hoje, 16 de Março, a professora Risonete Souza, diretora do Instituto de Letras, nos enviou a seguinte mensagem:
“À tarde acontecerá a recepção aos calouros, a nomeada Calourosa, instituída pelo professor Nalmar. A festa acontecerá na praça recém concluída.
A prefeitura de campus já instalou tapumes, que deverão ser fechados à tarde, dificultando a entrada no PAF III e mesmo no ILUFBA. Não creio que os professores e alunos que tenham aula na tarde e noite de amanhã tenham ambiente propício à realização de atividades didáticas, de sorte que o mais sensato deverá ser combinar com os alunos para ou ficar em casa ou aderir à festa."

Em razão da festa, ficam suspensas as aulas no Instituto de Letras.
Porém, há atividades no blog para que vocês possam estudar durante o final de semana.
Ressalto que se houver cópia ou consulta à internet ou websites, a atividade será anulada, e o aluno não terá a oportunidade de refazer a atividade. Plágio não é acadêmico e será severamente punido.

Professora Viviane C. da Annunciação

Atividades para serem entregues na Quarta Feira 21 de Março de 2012
ATENÇÃO: Está proibida a consulta indevida de internet ou livros. Se for utilizar uma fonte externa, citar entre aspas com o nome do autor entre parênteses. O uso indevido de citações (sem referências bibliográficas) é crime e resultará na reprovação do aluno.

Questions – Teses sobre o conto and Murders in the Rue Morgue
a.       What does Cortazar say about the “fantastic” in the beginning of the text?
b.       Comment on the quote: Conto: “gênero de tão difícil definição, tão esquivo nos seus múltiplos e antagônicos aspectos, e em última análise voltado para si mesmo, caracol da linguagem, irmão misterioso da poesia em outra dimensão do tempo literário” (p. 149). In order to support your comment, use examples of the short stories by Carver, Hemingway and Poe we analyzed in class.
c.        Do short stories have rules? Justify your answer with examples of the short stories by Carver, Hemingway and Poe we analyzed in class.
d.       How is the battle between man and life portrayed in Carver, Hemingway and Poe short stories?
e.       How is the short story permanent and vanishing (p. 151)? Justify your answer with examples of the short stories by Carver, Hemingway and Poe we analyzed in class.
f.         What is a “meaningful happening” (p. 151). Which of the three short stories we analyzed has a meaningful theme?
g.       What is the method of the short story (p. 152). Explain Cortazar’s idea and choose one of the short stories to justify your opinion.
h.       What is intensity and tension (p. 157, 158). How is it portrayed in Carver, Hemingway and Poe’s short stories?
i.         In your opinion, which of the three short stories follow Cortazar’s thesis on the short story? Justify your answer with examples of the short story.
1.       What is the thesis defended in the beginning of Murders in the Rue Morgue?
2.       Who is the narrator of Murders in the Rue Morgue? Is there just one narrator or more?
3.       How did Dupin and the narrator meet?
4.       What period of the day the narrator and Dupin liked best?
5.       Where does the murder take place?
6.       Where was the murder advertised? Was it advertised just once?
7.       How was the murder? What time did it take place? Who were the witnesses?
8.       How did Dupin investigate the murder?
9.       Who was the killer?
10.    What was the conclusion of the narrator’s thesis at the beginning of the story?

Atividades para serem entregues na Quarta Feira 21 de Março de 2012
ATENÇÃO: Está proibida a consulta indevida de internet ou livros. Se for utilizar uma fonte externa, citar entre aspas com o nome do autor entre parênteses. O uso indevido de citações (sem referências bibliográficas) é crime e resultará na reprovação do aluno.

Questions about the poems analyzed
1.       How is “Memory” constructed in the poem by Kamu Brathwaite?
2.       What is the central idea of Langston Hughes’ poem?
3.       What does Katherine Mansfield want to convey with her poem about winter?
How is the winter constructed through the meter in the poem?
Questions about Theodor Adorno
1.       Comment on the assertion: “A referência ao social leva a obra para fundo dela”.
2.       How are created the “vínculos universais nas obras de arte lírica?
3.       What is “ideology”? What is “a ideologia da lírica”?
4.       Comment on the assertion: “A obra de arte fala o que a ideologia esconde”.
5.       What is the consolation of the lyric in relation to the automatized and reified society?
6.       What is the “corrente subterrânean da lírica?”
Questions About Shakespeare.
1.       What is the relationship between men and nature in the sonnets we read in class? Use examples of the sonnets.
2.       How is the question of “immortality” developed in the three sonnets we have read in class?
3.       How is the theme of “loved” developed in the sonnets we read in class.
4.       Read the following sonnet by Shakesprere. What is it about? What is its apparent meaning? What does it want to convey in an abstract level? How is the meter developed? Analyze its structure:

Or I shall live your epitaph to make,
Or you survive when I in earth am rotten,
From hence your memory death cannot take,
Although in me each part will be forgotten.
Your name from hence immortal life shall have,
Though I, once gone, to all the world must die:
The earth can yield me but a common grave,
When you entombed in men's eyes shall lie.
Your monument shall be my gentle verse,
Which eyes not yet created shall o'er-read;
And tongues to be your being shall rehearse,
When all the breathers of this world are dead;
You still shall live, such virtue hath my pen,
Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men.

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