terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012

Short Story activities

ATIVIDADES: Atenção, quem não entregou as atividades do dia 21 de Março, poderá entregá-las com as atividades abaixo. Depois de 11-04, NÃO aceitarei mais nenhuma atividade e o aluno ficará com zero.

ATENÇÃO: Está proibida a consulta indevida de internet ou livros. Se for utilizar uma fonte externa, citar entre aspas com o nome do autor entre parênteses. O uso indevido de citações (sem referências bibliográficas) é crime e resultará na reprovação do aluno.

1.       What is the plot of “News of Paris” by Scott Fitzgerald? How is it different from “Murder’s in the Rue Morgue” and “Little Things”?
2.       Who are the main characters of “News of Paris? How do they interact?
3.       Who is the narrator of “News of Paris”? Use the Walter Benjamin’s ideas on the story teller?
4.       According to Piglia, a short story always tells two stories. Which are the two stories in “News of Paris”? Give examples with excerpts from the text.
5.       How is Paris constructed through the text?
6.       What is the plot of “A Little Cloud”? How is it different from “News of Paris”?
7.       Who are the main characters of “A Little Cloud”? How is the setting? How is Dublin different from London?
8.       Which are the two stories of “A Little Cloud”?
9.       Who is the narrator of “A Little Cloud”? Use the Walter Benjamin’s ideas on the story teller?
10.   Based on Cortazar’s idea of intensity and tension, how are they constructed in “The Storm” by Kate Chopin?
11.   Which are the two stories in Kate Chopin’s “The Storm”?
12.   How about the narrator of “The Storm”? Use the Walter Benjamin’s ideas on the story teller?
13.   Which of the three short stories you read aligned with the theoretical principles we studied in class? Justify your answer with examples.

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