terça-feira, 26 de março de 2013

O Romance em Língua Inglesa 2013.1

Students MUST read:

- Compulsory Readings (activities will be done in class):

1. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights.
2. Joyce, James. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
3. Fitzgerald, Scott. The Great Gatsby.
4. Steinbeck, J. Of Mice and Men.

- Reading for Final work (choose 1 in comparison with one of the above):

1. Wright, Richard. Black Boy
2.  Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye.
3. Enright, Anne. The Gathering.
4. Toibin, Colm. Brooklyng.

It is expected that the students read the original texts in English and not translations into Portuguese.

quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013

História da Língua Inglesa - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – The Language of Empire

1.      What happened to the English language in the nineteenth century?
2.      What are the three ways that English was implemented in the British colonies? Give examples.
3.      What was the view the scholars provided of the English language?
4.      When was the Oxford dictionary published? What was its importance?
5.      What was the problem with Ancient records of English?
6.      When did the history of English started? What was its view?
7.      What was working class English?
8.      What are the rural dialects?
9.      What are the urban dialects?
10.  What did Universal Education mean?
11.  What was the theory behind language deficit?
12.  What is the standard pronunciation?
13.  What is the Received Pronunciation?
14.  What is good English? And the queen’s English and the King’s English?

sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013

História da Língua Inglesa - Capítulo 9

Questions for Chapter 9

1.      What is the eighteenth century contradiction?

2.      How was the scholar study of English at that time?

3.      How were the eighteenth century dictionaries?

4.      Who was Samuel Johnson? What did he do that was significant? Give a few examples.

5.      What was his idea about “language corruption”? And what kind of texts he encouraged people to read?

6.      What is the difficulty of grammar for native speakers?

7.      How were the grammars divided in the 18th. century?

8.      What was the most influential grammar of the 18th. century?

9.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of a standard language?

10.  What is the effect of a society that interprets variation is speech in terms of ‘correctness”?

11.  What are the differences in London English? What effects does it produce?

quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013

História da Língua Inglesa - Chapter 7 and 8

Questions – Chapter 7

1.       What were the political problems of the period after the death of Queen Elizabeth – 1603?
2.       When did the Civil War happen? What is the relationship between this historical events and linguistic changes?

3.       What is Saxon oriented theory of the English Language?
4.       What is the political consequence of the Saxon oriented theory?

5.       What was the view of the Normans in the Saxon oriented theory?

6.       What was the use of the Bible in the Revolutionary period?

7.       When was the new Bible introduced?

8.       What were the consequences of the breakdown of censorship?

9.       Which orders of society was literacy was reaching? What kind of books would they read? How was the interpretation of this book?

10.   How was the English written by different authors at the Revolutionary period?

11.   What was the social impact of the spread of literacy? And the interpretation of the bible?

12.   How biblical kings and places become metaphors for the revolutionary period?

13.   What was the other revolution happening at the Revolutionary period? Which were its sources?

14.   What was the revolution brought by Francis Bacon?

15.   Why was Bacon’s model negative to the study of English language?

16.   What was the influence of the revolution in English?

Questions – Chapter 8

1.      What was the historical background after the Revolution?

2.      What was the situation after the return to the status quo?

3.      What was the importance of Richard Hodges The English Primrose (1644)? What did he discover?

4.      What was another innovation in the linguistic studies of the period?

5.      What was the main focus of language after Restoration? Cite a few examples. What was its legacy to the study of language?

6.      What was the challenge for scientific writing in the period after Restoration?

7.      What is the relationship between a strict social order and language? What was the measure taken to reinforce that?

8.      What was the main change brought by the Royal Society Committee?

9.      What was the defense for the English language professed by Daniel Defoe?

10.  What was Jonathan’s swift plea for a Royal Academy? What was his greatest masterpiece and what did it entail?

11.  What was the main change of the period from the Restoration of Charles II to the death of Anne?

12.  How was English language seen and interpreted at this period?

13.  How was the scientific approach applied to language? What were its effects?

14.  After 1714 to which class did the writers appeal to? What was the consequences of this relationship?